Focus on developing knowledge, skills, and an environment conducive to lifelong learning.
Population in Chonburi categorise in to Male and Female
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According to the population data of the Central Registration Office, Department of Provincial Administration, as of December 31, 2017, Chonburi Province has a population of 1,509,125 people, accounting for the 10th place in the country.
Department of Provincial Administration –
Population in Chonburi categorise in to Male and Female
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According to the population data of the Central Registration Office, Department of Provincial Administration, as of December 31, 2017, Chonburi Province has a population of 1,509,125 people, accounting for the 10th place in the country.
Department of Provincial Administration – dopa.go.thNational Statistical Office
Average person in Chonburi
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Average number of people living in a household
National Statistical OfficeMinistry of Tourism